I've been teaching guys to be more successful with women for years. You may have heard me on the radio or read about me in the papers. I've toured colleges around the country and consistently help college guys meet college women. A huge topic is sorority girls, so let's get right into it.
Sorority girls are a different breed of college women. They have strict social norms that they have to follow. Most sororities, especially the ones with the hot girls, have certain "paired fraternities." Sorority girls are pressured into dating only the guys in these paired fraternities. To understand this, you need to understand how a greek system is organized.
Like any society, there are certain classes of people. There are the "hot" fraternities/sororities (all the way up the ladder) and the "not so cool" fraternities/sororities (all the way down the ladder). Then there are the ones in the middle. This is just like a caste system. Girls on top of the ladder are pressured into dating the guys at the top of the ladder, otherwise they might be laughed at and their reputation might be damaged. Girls in the middle of the ladder aren't pressured to date any particular type of guy. Girls in the bottom of the ladder shouldn't be dated at all.
Understanding this psychology will help you tailor your approach. First, let's talk about what to do if your girl is in the highest social class.
Highest Social Class
The best way to make these girls your girlfriend is to join their "partner" fraternity. Once you're in their partner fraternity, you will need to use the methods in the College Guide To Dating e-book to attract her and escalate the relationship physically.
The more common case is that you are NOT in their partner frat and you don't have any intention of joining it. In this case, use the techniques in the college guide to create a strong bond between with a brother of the partner frat. Your friend will know about the sorority parties your girl will be at, and he will invite you to them. Usually, brother and sister sororities don't invite "outsiders" to their parties. Just being at the party will communicate to your girl that you ARE worthy of dating, after all you're on the "inside.'
You've accomplished the first big step, you're on the inside. Most of the time this will be enough to continue with the meet, attract, escalate model in the book. Sometimes you might run into a question along the lines of "so how do you like being in this fraternity." In this case you have two choices. You can either lie to her or you can tell her the truth. If you want to date her, lying to her will damage your relationship in the long run. Instead, use a line that will make her O.K. with the fact that you're not in the fraternity. "These guys are my absolute BEST friends. They would do anything for me and I would do anything for them. You know, ever since I was young I knew how important it was to surround yourself with great people. These guys are exactly that. I'm the brother that never even had to pledge cause we are JUST THAT CLOSE (follow up with a qualification question)." *More on qualification in the book. This will communicate to her that you aren't in the frat but are "IN" and are O.K. to date.
The Middle Class Sorority
Dating the middle class sorority girl is easier. She has way less social pressure to date a particular type of guy. They do have "partner" fraternities but are not "required" to date them. I still recommend making friends with a brother of the partner frat. This way you will be invited to the sorority parties. These girls are totally approachable in class and randomly during the day or night. Just use the methods we talk about in the book.
In summary, sorority girls are regular girls who sometimes have social norms they need to follow. As long as you know about these norms, you can plan ahead and get on the "inside". You'll still need to know how to attract and escalate the relationship so make sure to visit www.collegeguidetodating.com for other free bonus material.
Title : Tips, Meeting and Dating Sorority Girls - beautiful, perfect - trick sexy women
Description : I've been teaching guys to be more successful with women for years. You may have heard me on the radio or read about me in the papers. I...