There are many men out there who women can vouch just don't know how to give them a compliment. It's really not your fault, it's a skill that must be practiced and definitely can be mastered. If your better half has let you know that you are not doing a great job in this area, hopefully this article can provide you with a few helpful hints.
When guys get a hair cut, most of the time it is really easy to notice, but the majority of times we don't even think to mention anything about it. Not because we didn't see, but most of the times we just don't care. However, when it comes to complimenting your girlfriend or wife, you better be on top of it. Sometimes women only get a trim, which means that as little as half an inch can be taken off, which means you better pay close attention and let her know how nice it looks. She wants to hear it from you and when you don't say anything, you could be setting her up for disappointment. Pay attention and listen to her and when she comes home, let her know how nice she looks.
Sometimes a compliment doesn't have to be said, but can be implied with actions. Yes, this might be a bit confusing, but opening a car door or opening the door at the store for her can say a million things about the kind of guy you are and how you feel about her. It is a great way to tell her how much you love and respect her without having to talk about feelings. It's a quick win for all guys everywhere!
For a lot of couples, date night doesn't happen every night. It's a night that both men and women look forward to because it is time alone and its time to relax. This night is also special to her because she gets to get dressed up and have a night out. It's a big opportunity for you to compliment her and let her know how beautiful she is, noticing she has dressed up for time with you. It's a lot of work for women to get all dolled up so don't let all of her hard work go to waste, let her know how gorgeous she is, your compliment will not go unnoticed.
Women love to hear our compliments. Some may want to hear different things than what has been mentioned above, but without a doubt, everyone loves to be noticed. So pay attention and learn from mistakes. Talk to your buddies, guaranteed everyone of them have dropped the ball before, learn from their mistakes and soon you will be the gentleman you think you are.
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Title : Best Tips to Compliment Your Better Half - girl and women solution
Description : There are many men out there who women can vouch just don't know how to give them a compliment. It's really not your fault, it's...