Does your self esteem wavor when you see apparently flawless females? Women and girls often get the brunt of air brushed media images. Does just looking at those perfect models make you want to sink even further into the proverbial bed?
Or perhaps you avoid any media comparison, and yet still experience low self esteem from the messages you picked up in the family environment. Did your parents want a girl? did they value you? We're you an awkward teenager? Are you a stressed out mum that puts herself and her needs last? Are you a manager that let's her colleagues dump their extra workload on to her?
Whatever the cause, and what ever the situation you find your self in, you can turn your self-esteem around. Just like any muscle in the body, the right coaching plan will strengthen your self love, esteem and respect in no time.
My top 7 tips to Developing solid self esteem are:
1. Make a note of all the negative messages you have about yourself, your body, your worth, potential and limitations - and determine where they came from. Keep in mind that some messages may have been simply absorbed on an unconscious level i.e. we may have picked up self esteem patterns from our mothers or other female in the home.
2. Create a new list - full of all your best traits, experiences, abilities, and any compliments you've received. Really love yourself!
Read this list every day.
3.Create a list of your top goals and take baby steps every day. Think about goals relating to your career, finances, hobbies, spiritual development.
4. Choose to focus on the positive aspects of your self and others every day, and don't take their negativity personally. Your new positive outlook may unnerve those stuck in the dumps; so stay focused on your positive feelings and don't get attached to someone else's trash.
5. Put yourself first!
Yes you read that right.
Women are often programmed to be the support person - whether it's to their partner, children or boss; or all the above.
Drop the 'martyr' label, and put your happiness and needs first. Be body aware by feeding your body healthy food and taking care of it's needs. Choose to focus on the benefits of healthy eating rather than the pain and punishment associated with yo-yo dieting.
Be emotionally aware by doing things that are fun and fulfilling for you. Don't agree to do something you're not 100% happy with, or cancel your plans to accomodate others. Compromise in a relationship is good, but not at the expense of your happiness and not if it's a familiar habit of giving in.
And for goodness sake - spoil yourself sometimes! You deserve it.
Be spiritually aware by developing your connection to what you believe in. Take time to relax in nature and re-charge your batteries. Nurture your soul with beauty, peace and love.
Putting your needs first is not an act of selfishness, but rather healthy self love and respect. When a woman puts her needs first, she commands respect and appreciation. If you have old patterns of giving in, thinking about the needs of others, denying yourself any fun and pleasure - did those feelings make you feel good? Did you feel resentful and unappreciated?
When you give to yourself, you do only feed your spirit, but you fill the reservoirs of your love and in doing so you can love others too.
Title : Tips women - Building Self Esteem for Women and Girls - girl tips
Description : Does your self esteem wavor when you see apparently flawless females? Women and girls often get the brunt of air brushed media images. Does ...